Friday, April 9, 2010

Text Production Draft 2#

The relationship between voracious modernization and global warming has been open to much interpretation and acrimonious debate. Misassumption by individuals about global warming had made them to become ignorant on the issue that is affecting our mother nature. The atmosphere, the most vulnerable place in the earth’s ecological system has been thickened by global warming pollution primarily carbon dioxide had resulted to more heat trapped in the atmosphere. In the documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ (2007, DVD, Paramount Pictures), Albert Gore former US Senator explained two ‘canaries in the coal mine’ as the alarm bell of the signings of global warming. Global warming had triggered severe climate changes and a quick solution should be taken in place to seize the issue.

Statistic shows that the ten hottest years ever measured all had occurred for the last fourteen years (An inconvenient truth, 2007). Temperature increase is taken place all over the world in which leads to overwhelming effects such as the massive heat wave which killed thirty-five thousands of people in Europe. The ocean is not escaped from the increase in temperature as well; consequentially produces stronger storms as can be seen in the last couple of years like the Ivan, Jeannie, Frances and most devastating, the Katrina. Before the Katrina hits New Orleans, it ‘went over warmer waters’ which built up its ‘wind velocity’ and ’moisture content’. The effect was horrendous and indescribable (An inconvenient truth, 2007).

Other than that, severe floods are also occurring due to the precipitation at one time that causes heavy downpour (An inconvenient truth, 2007). Paradoxically, the vigorous precipitation may also bring to more severe and longer draughts in some other places (Chris, 2006), such events that that can be seen in Darfur and Niger. Melting of permafrost had damaged the structure that was built and plants lived on top of it. Global warming also may leads to melting of ice shelves that could halted the ‘ocean conveyer’, which in turn causes sudden jump to the European climate. The melting of land-based ice in the West Antarctica and Greenland would rise up the sea level up to 20 feet which means most of populated city situated at the ocean bay will possibly underwater when the ice melts (An inconvenient truth, 2007).

The ecological system has taken its toll from the changes in the season. The ‘ecological midgets’ are also taken in place, for example the pine beetle problem in the United States and rushing in of exotic species to the new ecology. Species are also facing extinction and coral reefs are bleaching in which global warming has some contribute to it. The increase in more and more troublesome infectious diseases as result of with global warming, vectors reaching to higher altitudes (An inconvenient truth, 2007).

Sir Winston Churchill once said “The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedience, of delays, is coming to its close. In its place we are entering a period of consequences.” (1936). We as the people of this world has seen the alarming signs of global warming and with scientifically proven should find a way so that the warning are ‘heard’ and ‘responded to’ (An inconvenient truth, 2007). Without further delay, we should start by emitting lower carbon dioxide emissions and use less energy or using it more efficiently (Woodford, 2006). Energy efficiency can be improved at home by using electric and electronic appliances that uses efficient energy. Instead of driving a car, try to walk or ride a bicycle if we can, use the public transportation or else, buy a hybrid car if possible. Mother Nature needs your help to speak up for her, use the knowledge that you have to raise the community awareness on this sickening moral issue.

In conclusion, global warming has seriously given a tremendous and adverse effect on our mother earth as mentioned above. Living things are in jeopardy of these catastrophes including human beings that are single-handedly causing the issue in the first place. Each individuals have their say not to global warming, say no more to technology that are not environmental-friendly. Taking the words in a part of the movie “the solutions are in our hands, we just have to have the determination to make it happen” (An inconvenient truth, 2007).

1 comment:

  1. Good effort! To improve your essay consider the following.

    - The paragraphs should not be indented as you do this using the computer. If you write it on a paper (hand written), then you have to indent.

    - citation: In the documentary ‘An Inconvenient Truth’ (2007, DVD, Paramount Pictures) this is not the way to provide citation. For people, write the surname and the year without a comma. For the film, write only the name of the movie and the year without a comma.


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an INTI UC stud,(JPA scholarship)...ex-niner,ex-soksek..